
The Aegeri book club meetings are open for everybody. Just make sure to RSVP up front, so the host can plan for the evening. It is not necessary to attend each meeting, but it would be great to see you on a regular basis.

When is the next meeting?

The meetings are held more or less every other week on Thursday, although we take a break during school summer holidays and around christmas. Planed meetings for 2024 are:

8 AugustFirst meeting, introduction, having a drink together
22 AugustDiscussion about Anna Karenina – First part
5 SeptemberDiscussion about Anna Karenina
19 SeptemberDiscussion about Anna Karenina
3 OctoberDiscussion about Anna Karenina
17 OctoberDiscussion about Anna Karenina
28 November
12 DecemberLast meeting of the year

Which time do we meet?

Meetings start at 19:30 and are intended to last until 21:30 approximately.

Where does the meeting takes place?

We always meet somewhere in the Aegeri Valley. The location will be disclosed up front throught the WhatsApp group. This could be at:

  • Steffi’s place in Unterägeri
  • A members home (No one must host a meeting. If you would like to, thougt, let us know.)
  • A bar

Should I bring something?

If you would like to bring some snacks or drinks to the meetings, please ask the host upfront.

“One of the many gifts that books give readers is a connection to each other. When we share an affection for a writer, an author or a story, we also have a better understanding of people unlike ourselves. Books cultivate empathy.”

Sarah Jessica Parker
aegeri book club meetings